Women’s entrepreneurship in Guayas and Los Ríos - Ecuador: innovation, financing and sustainability
entrepreneurship, women, financing, sustainability, STEM, technologyAbstract
The present study aims to diagnose the limited access to financing, low preparation in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) and short sustainability within the businesses experienced by female entrepreneurs. A homogeneous sample was used combined with the sample of typical cases, or so-called “typical or intensive samples” of 134 female entrepreneurs from the provinces of Guayas and Los Ríos. The sequential design was adapted; that is, the data collected and analyzed in one phase of the study (CUAL) with secondary information, the supposed causes that originate the variables described were presented, the survey was conducted using a Google form. Then these data were used to inform the other phase (CUAN), where the price categories and business expectations were related, also an inferential analysis to determine the differences between the indicated categories and Kruskal-Wallis tests were applied. The results indicate that 50,7 % of female entrepreneurs do not have a Single Taxpayer Registry (RUC) or Tax Regime for Microenterprises (RIMPE), which is a reflection of informality; 53 % of female entrepreneurs
were financed through their families, 4,7 % through savings, and only 40 % have launched a new product or service in the last three years. It is concluded that all efforts to promote female entrepreneurship must have their concrete action in a more intense participation of women in the digital transformation of businesses and adding other financial services to those already existing in the Entrepreneurship Law of Ecuador.
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