Intercultural experiences and their influence on teaching English as a foreign language




teaching, learning, English, interculturality, experience


This research presents the intercultural experiences of teachers at the State Technical University of Quevedo and their influence on the Teaching of English as a Foreign Language. The general objective of this study is to identify how teachers’ intercultural experiences contribute to the teaching of English, determining and describing intercultural experiences such as academic exchanges, trips, and interactions with foreign cultures to know how they contribute to the development of intercultural competence in the classroom. Descriptive research was developed, of a mixed nature, with qualitative and quantitative instruments such as interviews and surveys. The data analysis was thematic and content. It was obtained that some teachers consider that the intercultural experience they have allows them to carry out activities where students can demonstrate and apply the values of foreign culture. Regarding the intercultural competence developed in the students, most participants emphasized leading students to read and review intercultural experiences, either through texts or through various materials, resources and strategies such as videos and interactions. with foreign students through videoconferences. Which allows us to conclude that intercultural experiences positively influence the motivation and commitment of teachers and students, by creating a more stimulating learning environment for students by hearing and learning from their experiences.


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How to Cite

Galarza Pucha, J. P., Estupiñán Lince, M. L. ., & Guevara Torres, P. V. . (2024). Intercultural experiences and their influence on teaching English as a foreign language. Social and Economics Science, 8(1), 50–56.