Balanced Scorecard for library management, applied to the State Technical University of Quevedo)




strategic planning, balanced scorecard, library, management model


It is proposed for the State Technical University of Quevedo as an objective of continuous improvement the Balanced Scorecard - CMI a tool for library management, which allows monitoring and control of the defined strategies and thus also who has the function of directing this unit has the necessary inputs for decision-making. The development of this tool had a qualitative-quantitative approach, its modality is nonexperimental with a descriptive scope. The techniques applied for the development of the research were: the SWOT analysis, the interview and expert judgment. A methodology for the development of the balanced scorecard is proposed, previously applied in several universities, adapted to the conditions of the Technical University of Quevedo. From the prioritized analysis of the shortcomings detected in the diagnosis, the approach that the Balanced Scorecard should acquire was determined. It is considered, as an integral result of the diagnosis, that applying a Balanced Scorecard for the management of the library of the State Technical University of Quevedo, can contribute to reduce the detected weaknesses. Starting from the strategic course defined in the university, the perspectives and the strategic map for this Information Unit are proposed, the balanced scorecard and the indicators are established to evaluate the achievement of the objectives. The design of the balanced scorecard included management indicators aligned with the institutional strategy that was transferred to the development of a proposal for the management of the library.


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How to Cite

Ibarra Álava, M. Y. ., & Guamán Guanopatín, M. E. . (2023). Balanced Scorecard for library management, applied to the State Technical University of Quevedo). Social and Economics Science, 7(2), 67–76.