Improvement of processes for granting credits: application of the KANBAN methodololy




credit analysis, financial analysis, financial process improvement, financial performance, credit risk, decision making


The main objective of the article is to present a proposal for the improvement of procedures in the granting of credits in a financial entity in Ecuador, through the Kanban methodology, since currently the processes are carried out in an obsolete way with extensive procedures that generate necks of bottle and increased response time for the customer; In this way, the proposal is expected to reduce production costs and in turn maximize the financial and economic performance of the entity under study. A quantitative research design is proposed, of a descriptive type that allowed deducing the financial situation of the entity to solve the needs when implementing the Kanban methodology in the processes to grant credits. It was established that in the financial entity the process for a credit generates an office time of 24 hours and when adding the average time for transferring documents physically adds a total of 32 hours, that is, the process takes an average of 4 days from its I start with the advisor until I finish with the file of the file. By applying the Kanban methodology, the process time is reduced to an estimated 2 days, generating a more efficient process, reducing costs and increasing the productivity and performance of the entire work team; It has been estimated that the entity will have a 50% increase in its productivity, taking as a reference the relative variations of the horizontal analysis that each item has in the income statement.



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How to Cite

Ramirez Piedra, J. A., & Giron Calva, H. C. (2023). Improvement of processes for granting credits: application of the KANBAN methodololy. Social and Economics Science, 7(1), 57–75.